Version 1.950 (07/30/2001)
- Fixed $6000-$7FFF CPU bank I/O, many broken mappers are working again;
- Fixed a bug on $4003/$4007 writes (sound regs);
- Fixed the number of CPU cycles per sound sample;
- Fixed color emphasis (setting a palette range with no v-sync),
the CMC80's demo works fine;
- Fixed NES movie status flag (damn it);
- Added mapper #44 (1991 Super HiK 7 in 1 384K), untested;
- Enabled 8 sprites per scanline limitation (fixes some games);
- Scanline #0 is being displayed again;
- Fixed pattern table offsets dumping (seeks all VideoRAM banks);
- Fixed a major problem with directories setup;
- Fixed bitmap centering when using SuperEAGLE;
- Re-added kritz' GameGenie core, slightly changed;
- Game information dumping slightly improved (+path and +EOF string);
- Changed the config file extension from rnsetup.CFG to rnsetup.INI;
- Usual cosmetic changes and minor bugs fixed;
- Documentation slightly updated.

Version 1.942 (07/21/2001)
- Fixed ROM information saving (header + CRCs in a text file);
- Fixed mirroring state loading for RSx files (when an unknown value is found);
- Fixed a stupid GUI bug: no more emulation reset when you leave the GUI by
first time;
- Fixed a small flaw in the scanline cycle calculation;
- Fixed a small flaw in the MMC3 scanline counter (from previous version);
- Fixed mapper #68 (Batman: Return of Joker - USA/Jap - works fine again);
- Added a patch to fix mirroring in Super Cars game.

Version 1.941 (07/18/2001)
- The memory leak fix hadn't been enabled! It's ok now;
- Fixed a bug in the mapper #21 (damn it);
- Fixed a bug in the mapper #151 startup;
- Fixed VRCxx IRQ timing for the new ppu timing;
- Fixed sprite #0 hits;
- Added sprite #0 hits by cpu cycle, plus a patch to get VideoMation ok;
- Added floating point for scanline cycle calculation, making the things
near perfect! Rad Racer 2 (and others) works better and no glitched;
- Minor adjustment in the ppu timing;
- Minor fixes in the ppu interface.

Version 1.940 (07/16/2001)
- Fixed file path for dumped items;
- Fixed ppu timing (broken from previous version, fixes scrolling);
- Fixed bitmap centering (640x480);
- Fixed a major problem with memory leak;
- Fixed saved states for mapper #0 games (old and undiscovered bug);
- Fixed RSx state file (removed unnecessary data saving);
- Fixed a bug in the mapper #1 (from previous version);
- Fixed mapper #19 (Family Circuit '91 works fine);
- Fixed MMC3 reset, plus small IRQ timing fix;
- Added full support for mapper #119 (Pinbot and High Speed are playable);
- Added a ppu tweak to get Rad Racer 2 working good (maybe more games too);
- Added support to dump ppu patterns offsets (ROM locations);
- Added support for paged CHR RAM (used by some mappers);
- Added a CPU cycle calculation per scanline (not good, but works better);
- Minor ppu render cleanup;
- Lots of bug fixes, plus more changes for portability.

Version 1.930 (06/28/2001)
- Fixed GUI colors for 16-bit video modes, plus surface clearing (Fx3);
- Fixed a potential bug setting color emphasis and monochrome modes (Fx3);
- Fixed broken EAGLE support from previous version (Fx3);
- Fixed ZIP support, plus added support for GZipped files (Richard);
- Small optimization in the PPU code (Richard);
- More fixes and changes for portability (Richard/Fx3).

Version 1.920 (06/25/2001)
- Started to rewrite the entire source for portability;
- Fixed VRC6 sound output again (added timestamp, works much better);
- Fixed ppu mirroring restoration on state loading (.RSx files);
- Fixed another bug on state loading (bad CHR?);
- Fixed color emphasis reset (thanks Alexandre);
- Added pAPU state saving (+VRC6 sound). Old states are fully compatible;
- Added that old pop-up message system (old request, ok);
- Added SuperEAGLE/Super2xSaI engines (*warning: preliminary and _very slow_
even in a p800 (!), so take care... weird GUI colors too, I know why...);
- Function keys (F1-F12) does not freeze the emulator anymore;
- Removed that PPU timing hack;
- A lot of cleanups and minor bugs squashed.

Version 1.910 (05/19/2001)
- Partial rewrite, squashing lots of problems and bugs (too much for listing);
- Fixed a flaw in the MMC3 IRQ timing;
- Fixed VRC6 output (working nicely now, thanks Alexandre);
- Fixed a bug in the PCM channel, plus $4015 sound register;
- Fixed command line parse, thanks to everyone for the feedback;
- Fixed save state feature (may be incompatible sometimes);
- Fixed tons of GUI problems (+internal Help);
- Fixed config file reading (+small changes);
- Added an option (ROM patch) to fetch the byte value from current address;
- Using last Matt Conte's 2A03 (6502) CPU emulator;
- Source fixed to compile with no warnings;
- Cosmetic changes, plus general optmizations.

Version 1.900 (04/15/2001) * HAPPY EASTER!
Fixed a memory read bug (VS Unisystem ok);
Fixed mappers #7 (duh), #65, #79, #113, #234 (Maxi-15 works fine), #243;
Fixed a bug in the noise sound channel (whoo... much better);
Added mapper #57 support (GK-L01A);
Added CRC32 display (for PRG/CHR data) in the game info GUI dialog;
Added directory setup in the config file for dumped data;
Added a nice tweak to retrieve status (bits) from a number, soft speed up;
Added patches to fix some map#79 games with wrong mirroring set;
Added iNES header information save + CRCs in a file (.nfo);
Changed iNES header fix to work with CRC32 numbers (PRG);
Changed screenshot format from PCX to BMP;
Changed some GUI labels;
Reenabled my MMC3 (mapper #4) IRQ timing code;
PRG ROM dumping disabled when there are no CHR ROM pages;
Cosmetic changes, small optimizations and some errors squashed.

Version 1.830#2 (03/06/2001)
- Fixed I/O reads, the VS Unisystem games are playable again.

Version 1.830 (03/05/2001)
-Fixed name garbage when saving files;
-Fixed RAM, WRAM, VROM and CPU registers dumping;
-Added PRG data dumping when no VROM is present (due the request);
-vsync on/off switch was disabled, oops;
-Documentation revised.

Version 1.820 (03/03/2001)
- Most of mapper #5 (MMC5) code has been rewritten, fixing some games;
- Added MMC5 RAM saving/loading (size is always 65536 bytes);
- Fixed NESticle state loading (STA files -- mappers 0,1,2,3 and 4 only);
- Removed that FDS warning at startup (now displayed on FDS loading);
- Some changes for ANSI compatibility, plus cosmetic changes and minor fixes.

Version 1.810 (02/28/2001)
- Rebuilt most of startup sequence, tons of problems were fixed;
- Fixed memory corruption, FDS driver and NES reset;
- Fixed a memory problem in the PPU reset (fixing gfx garbage);
- Fixed HBlank timing for mappers (broken from previous version);
- Fixed mappers #40, #42, #43, #69, #90 (broken from previous version);
- Fixed mapper #67;
- Fixed ROM mapping on $6000-$7FFF memory space;
- Fixed a problem in the config (default inputs settings were not done on
- Removed garbage from GUI, fixed mapper information box;
- Tons of cosmetic changes, plus minor fixes.