Version 0.94a

- Border color enabled to prevent possible crash on startup;
- Frameskip back to value 2 as default;
- Video resolution set to 320x240 autodetect;
- Config file included in the ZIP pack.


Version 0.94

- Added NES movies support;
- Added joystick calibration (to get things working properly);
- Mapper #70 fixed (still bug yet, but Arkanoid 2 is playable);
- The bug that hangs RockNES if the soundcard wasn't initialized had been
returned on 0.9x versions. Fixed;
- Fixed VS loading for games with no CHR pages;
- Fixed VS games palettes (oops!);
- Fixed messages colors using others palettes;
- Added pAPU status register on $4015 reads;
- Minor fix for waveforms amplitude;
- Changed way to set joypad1 data (seems more accurate);
- Little help was displaying VGA as default video mode (it's AUTO), fixed;
- Removed SDD EAGLE warnings.


Version 0.93

- Minor fix for noise channel (sounds better);
- Removed some general junk;
- Fixed problem with keyboard when a joystick isn't found;
- Fixed maximum frame rate (10) by command line switch;
- Fixed no sound problem on rate 1 (22050Mhz);
- Removed Win9x EAGLE warnings;
- Compiled with Allegro 3.9.23 (WIP) - 19990718;
- Removed code to shutdown RockNES on Allegro's crash due the newer version;
- Updated configuration file (keyboard scancodes table);
- Joypad code updated;
- Some changes displaying messages.


Version 0.92

- Added EAGLE effects (use `-eagle' option to enable it);
- Fixed VS loading (oops!);
- Fixed Mapper #4 IRQ counter (MegaMan games should work fine);
- Added support for Mapper #16 writes at $6000-7fff (bad IRQ);
- Added support for Mapper #19 (bad IRQ);
- Added preliminary support for Mapper #13 (Videomation);
- Added preliminary support for Mapper #70 (Arkanoid 2);
- Added preliminary(?) support for Mapper #114 (untested);
- Minor IRQ adjust for Mappers #23 (Kid Dracula) and #25 (Gradius ][);
- Fixed VBlank bit control (Somari works fine again);
- Fixed VS Dr.Mario mapper number (oops);
- Fixed snapshots saving;
- Fixed screen clearing (no more black snapshots);
- Fixed some palette colors;
- Updated Allegro's graphics modes avaliable (see rocknes.cfg);
- Updated Allegro's joystick drivers avaliable (see rocknes.cfg);
- Configuration file rewritten/updated;
- Joypad code rewritten/optimised;
- Added code to shutdown RockNES on Allegro's crash;
- A lot of internal changes.


Version 0.91:

- More gfx optimisations;
- Background render rewritten (little speed up);
- Added a new PPU scroll/control method (should fix games scores);
- Screen layout fixed/changed;
- Some IRQ fix for mapper #24 (horizontal scrolling is ok);
- Removed screen border color;
- Fixed problem with the key [~] (coins);
- Fixed problem with violet color instead of blue color;
- Fixed some startup/shutdown problems;
- Fixed a minor problem saving snapshots;
- Fixed/added palettes for many VS system games;
- Fixed mapper #7 (Wheel of Fortune Junior now works);
- Fixed mapper #151 mirroring;
- Fixed problem with soundcard detection (finally!);
- Fixed squares waves duty cycles (using 25, 25, 50, 87.5 sounds better);
- Fixed messages display (color) with VS games;
- Fixed bitmap garbage on startup/reset;
- Changed VBlank lines/frame to 30;
- Added left-sprite clipping (same way used for left-background clipping);
- Added CHR pages masking for Mapper #4 (MMC3);
- Added VS R.B.I Baseball support (unplayable);
- ESC key aborts the emulator startup;
- Added 3 new palettes (use -pal x to select);
- ROM loading stuff rewritten;
- Detected problems with VBlank lines/frame (see "Know problems");
- Famicom Disksystem support disabled.


Version 0.90:

- Even more gfx optimisations;
- Famicom DiskSystem support (.FDS);
- VS Unisystem support (both arcade and .NES formats);
- New palettes for VS games (some should be preliminary);
- Partial PlayChoice-10 game boards support;
- Mapper #69 (Batman: Return of The Joker) should work 90%;
- Changes for the save state feature;
- Fixed squares waves duty cycles;
- Some fixes for triangle wave channel (try Mega Man 2);
- Screen clearing fixed;
- Added preliminary Mapper #151 emulation (VS Goonies);
- Preliminary Mapper #90 support (MK4 & Tekken2);
- Fixed a bug in the Mapper #64;
- Some general PPU/gfx fixes (SMB3 title screen);
- Changed the way to clip the left 8 pixels;
- Added a function pointer array for writing the sound regs;
- If missing rocknes.dat file, the default font will be used;
- Added a direct GFX_AUTODETECT for set_gfx_mode();
- Option `-info' now displays the mapper number and name if avaliable;
- Fixed a bug parsing ROM directory;
- Changed the EXE compressor from DJP to UPX.